
THIS JUST IN! (June 9, 2017)

ARtivist Publications

Print and Ebooks by Cassendre Xavier available for sale:

1) secrets & lies: poetry and other words (Original release 2005, Re-issued with new poems added June 2017)
Postpaid printed chapbook (booklet): $7, Ebook: $5

2) Soulmate Attraction for the Rest of Us: Dating & Relationships for the Polyamorous, Recovering, Survivor & Tantric (October 2015)
Postpaid print: $7, Ebook: $5

3) A Survivor Speaks: On Bipolar Disorder, PTSD & Recovery (June 2017)
Postpaid print: $7, Ebook: $5

Methods of Payment:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/CXInspiration
Check or US Postal Money Order: PAYABLE to CassEndrE Xavier, and mailed to: Cassendre Xavier, 4530 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia PA 19143-3705

Please allow up to 48 hours for delivery of the ebook(s) and 2-4 weeks for delivery of the chapbooks.


Writing: Wisdom Magazine: http://wisdom-magazine.com/ArticleArchives.aspx?isLike=true&author=cassendre%20xavier (or: http://tinyurl.com/CXWisdom) and more: http://bit.ly/1LjFjnR

Blog: http://cassendrexavier.blogspot.com

Erotica & Sexuality: Books forthcoming. Writings and videos shared online various places, and at poetry readings in Philadelphia.